Made it through the first major snow for the state yesterday. We got over 12″ and it kept coming. There was also a lot of blowing so it was a battle to keep the roads clear. What usually takes me 30 min to get home yesterday took 2 hours. I scoff at the states that shut down from snow. In all my time on earth I have never seen the city shut down.
On the way home I saw many cars stuck and lots of people who should have bought new tires before the season started. If you drive in this weather a good set of tires is a must. There also needs to be a class on how to drive in deep snow and how to get a car out that is stuck. It was amazing how one car stuck would back up traffic for a quarter mile.
The other thing that would be nice is a way to show where the lanes are after it snows. I saw many 4 lane highways reduced down to 2 since no one knows where they end and start.
Well that is my rant for this morning hope everyone has safe travels and remember it will snow again.
To get the full MN snow driving experience, you need to have summer tires on, as narrow as possible, with a trade depth of 2/32″. Good luck!